KTM Stuntrijder Wheely-Boy - Professionele stuntshows voor uw event, bedrijfsfeest, open dag of iedere andere gelegenheid.
The team of stuntrider Wheely-Boy performs spectaculair stuntshows for any kind of event and exhibitions all over the world.

Stuntshows are suitable for every occasion; opening- jubilee- goodbye- birthday- village- and
summerparty's, open days, exhibtions and presentations.
Let your own ideas be part of our product. Let us know what your mind is about, and we'll take care of the realization in the stuntshow on your event.
Due the big diversity and flexibility from possible stunts, stuntrider Wheely-Boy is able to peform a suitable stuntshow on every location around the world.
With the possibility to add a extra sound-installation and speaker who will take care of the presentation of the show, you'll add a extra dimension to the show.

If you like what you saw and read, and would get to know more about a stuntshow for your event, you may contact us via e-mail or by phone directly!
Stephan Gruijs
Phone: +316 294 85 228
E-Mail: info@ktm-stuntrider.nl